Friday, November 22, 2013

Speak the language of digital natives, Vatican official tells CSMS paricipants

Msgr. Paul Tighe (Photo: Roy Lagarde/CBCPNews)

TO effectively evangelize the digital world, it is necessary that we have to speak in a language that is understandable to today’s generation, a Vatican representative said.

Msgr. Paul Tighe, secretary of the Pontifical Commission on Social Communication in the Vatican, talked about the importance of understanding the language of today’s digital world in today’s media summit at the Colegio de San Juan de Letran.

The keynote speaker at the Catholic Social Media Summit version2, Msgr. Tighe spoke  to more than 200 participants the challenges that confront the Church in the digital culture and of understanding the digital language, among other things, so as to communicate effectively the word of God to today’s social media generation.

“If we are to share to Good News with our brothers and sisters in the ‘digital continent’, we must speak a ‘language’ they can understand and be present as authentic witnesses to our faith,” he said.

He said our communication can touch people’s hearts only if we are able “to listen to them and engage seriously with their questions.” 

“We are the ones to engage the people, we need to the tell people that power, popularity, beauty, wealth will not satisfy our life,” he said.

Tighe challenged participants to become good citizens of the digital world, open to dialogue and to witness to a life that is consistent with evangelization, emphasizing that the language of digital and social communications as being conversational, interactive and dialogical. 

He emphasized the need for convergence and of working together for the church because “we have a Goodnews to share.” 

“We would only become effective communicators, if we ourselves allow the word of God to work in our lives,” he said.

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