Thursday, April 21, 2011

Reflections for Holy Thursday

The Washing of the Feet

The beautiful liturgy of Holy Thursday leads us to reflect more profoundly on Jesus’ immense love for us. He has taken the posture of a slave, knelt before his apostles and washed their feet in a humble gesture of love and service. In doing so, he has given us an example to follow. He invites us to do the same, offer ourselves in humble and loving service to our fellow human beings.

Bread broken

During the last supper with his apostles he gave himself as bread to be broken and shared so that others may have life. The act of self-offering that will be culminated by his death on the cross on Good Friday. God’s unconditional love for humanity is so profound that our finite mind cannot comprehend its depth. We can only beat our breast in sorrow for our sins and in our failure to respond to such great love.

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