Sunday, May 14, 2000

To Mom on Mother’s Day

…And through the years, a mother
Has been all that’s sweet and good
For there’s one bit of God and love,
In all true motherhood…
Helen Steiner Rice

At 77, my mother still exudes some traces of the beauty she had when she was young. Her slender body makes it possible for her to look good in the clothes she wears. Since my mother lives abroad and I am in the convent, we see each other only every three years or so, whenever it is possible for her to come home for vacation. Several months ago we were together again after almost three years of not seeing each other. It was a happy reunion of sorts and we did a lot of catching up on many things.

One day while watching my mother busy doing something I realized with a tinge of sadness how she has grown older. Her hair has grown thinner and silvery white since the last time I saw her. With a lump in my throat I thought how much I will miss Mom’s presence when the time comes that she would be called from our midst to receive her reward. I just hope it will not be for many years to come.

Since May 14 is celebrated as Mother’s Day I thought of paying tribute to this special woman in my life. I have not written about her for years since I composed a short poem about a mother’s love many, many years ago.

No one can underestimate the capacity of a mother to endure suffering and trials. I lost my father when I was still young. The responsibility of raising seven kids fell on the frail shoulders of my mother. Working so hard to be able to send seven kids to school and trying to cope with seven different personalities were sure an effective antidote for Mom to overcome whatever loneliness she might have felt during those years. I remember how she would complain of me being so hardheaded whenever I failed to do my duty or heed her advice. Years later, she would sing a different tune. When I became a religious, she would say to her friends with a sense of pride, ‘that of all her children, I am the most obedient.’ It became a joking matter between us. I never failed to kid her about it whenever I have the opportunity, which of course she takes so graciously.

It was not an easy life for Mother. Looking back on those years I really marvel at her patience and endurance. But her perseverance has also paid off. She possesses wisdom borne of her experience, which she generously shares with us. And her tolerance and understanding is something I could only envy of.

Mom’s love and concern for us have not diminished through the years. Every now and then she will call me and ask how I am. She does also with my other siblings. Mom, still and will always be a mother in many ways. Her little acts of love warm the heart. We are assured that though we are miles apart from one another, each one of us is as close as can be in my mother’s heart and that she has always a prayer for each one of us. Thank you dear God, for mothers.

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