Wednesday, June 17, 1998

Sexuality in Media

The word love is probably the most used and abused word in the world of media. Intentionally or otherwise, it has often been used interchangeably with sex and lust.

Today’s media portray love very superficially. In media’s worldview love is sex and vice versa. We are inundated with printed materials, TV programs, films and commercials that put too much emphasis on sex. The permissive attitude of today’s generation-x can only be traced in their over exposure to media since they were kids. Values such as respect for elders, modesty and virginity seem to be a thing of the past. Pre-marital relationships and out-of-wedlock pregnancies are becoming natural and an acceptable thing to do.

Those working in the entertainment industry may not be aware of it but the young look up to them as role models. Look at how easily they imitate their way of dressing up, their way of acting and talking.

There are a lot of young stars now who are getting pregnant outside of marriage, and they are even happily announcing it for the whole wide world to hear. I think they are sending out a dangerous signal to teenagers who look up to them as someone to be emulated. Some kids are too confused to understand that there is a line separating the real from the reel. They get the wrong notion that if their idols can do it and can get away with it, why can’t they?

Not long ago I interviewed a mixed group of high school and college students regarding their views on premarital sex, for a radio program I was producing for my class. Most of them quoted the teachings of the Church regarding pre-marital sex and added their own reflections to it. One 18-year old young lady, however, shocked me by saying, (without batting an eyelash) she believes in pre-marital sex, and proceeded to explain lengthily her views regarding the subject.

Cable television has made it too easy for us to have an access for a 24-hour unrestricted programming. With just a push of a button we can get any program we want or switch on from one channel to another to satisfy our curiosity. And so we absorb all kinds of values which do not necessarily agree with what we have known or have been taught to us by our elders.

As it is important for our youth to be critical users of media, it is equally essential for those who work in media to realize the great responsibility they carry on their shoulders. Whether they like it or not, they are teaching people, especially the young, values, which they are bound to absorb and adapt as their lifestyle.

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