Thursday, August 28, 1997

Critical Use of Media

One of the greatest phenomena in the world today is the rapid development of media. So rapid it is that distance is no longer a problem. We can easily get hold of information anywhere in the world today because of the internet. We do not have to worry losing a precious letter along the way or agonize for weeks waiting for a reply since the e-mail and fax make it easy and quick for us. We learn of the latest news happening from the farthest corner of the globe because of cable television. This phenomenon has transformed our world into one global village.

Media play a big role in our life. I guess majority of us, especially the younger generation are born and bred in media. We live in the world of media, consequently, our way of thinking and acting are affected by it.

One of the challenges of Aetatis Novae (Pastoral Instruction on Social Communication) for us today is to be critical in our use of media. This, of course, involves media education. We do not have to go to school to get educated in our use of media. What we do need is to be informed of the issues and be critical in evaluating them. Which means, we do not swallow everything that we see on TV or cinema at face value. It is equally true with the news we hear on radio or read on the papers.

When we go to see a movie or watch television, our main purpose is to get entertained. We can be entertained in an informed way, however. For instance, the next time we go to see a movie, let us try to be more critical by evaluating the story. Does it uphold Christian values? What other values does the film communicate? How am I affected by it? Values, ideas or message is just one of the many aspects in a film or TV program which we can evaluate.

Another important aspect in media that we have to be critically aware of is the world of advertising. Advertising messages bombard us day in and day out. We see them on TV, on the billboards everywhere. Sometimes, we ourselves become walking advertisements by the clothes and shoes we wear with the designer logos sticking out of them.

It is important to become aware of the influence of media in our lives and how our way of thinking and lifestyle are shaped by it. In this way we can be critical in our use of media.

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